Do you have to be a registered charity to apply?

No, the organisation does not need to be registered with the charity commision to apply.

What areas does the Trust cover?

The Douglas and Joanne Chapman Animal Trust is a Norfolk based charity supporting organisations who are compassionate about the care of small animals in the Norfolk region.

How soon do we hear from the Douglas and Joanna Chapman Animal Trust following our application? 

The Trustees meet twice per year, usually in May and November. Please see the News tab for our next Trustee meeting. Once the Trustees have discussed the application the organisations will be notified within three weeks of the Trustees meeting of whether their application has been successful. If your application has been successful, you will receive your award at the same time.

If our application has been successful, when will we receive the funds? 

At the same time that you have been notified that you are successful, unless our response states the contrary.

When are the Trustee meetings? 

The Trustees meet twice per year, usually in May and November. Please see the News tab for when the next meeting is.

Do you provide funding in emergency situations? 

Yes, we do provide funding of up to £350 in cases of emergencies. Please contact Spire Solicitors LLP from the contacts page to discuss.

How can I make donations to the organisations the Douglas and Joanna Chapman Animal Trust has supported? 

Please go to the Links tab at the top of the page and go directly to the charities or organisations webpage to make donations. 

How can I make donations to the Douglas and Joanna Chapman Animal Trust? 

Please go to the Donations tab at the top of the page.

What evidence do I need to support my application?

Please provide the organisations most recent accounts and if it is a project to include building works, please provide at least 3 quotes for the work, drawings and any other research. Please also provide details of any other funding received for the project. Please see Grant Making Procedure and Policy.

I have already received an award from Douglas and Joanna Chapman Animal Trust, when can I apply again? 

You will be eligible to apply for a further award 24 months following the grant awarded.

Who are the Trustees?

Please go to the About the Charity Tab to see who the current Trustees are.